
3 Ways to Transfer Videos From Action Camera To PC or Android

CamerauploadsisafeatureinourAndroidandiOSappsthatautomaticallybacksupauser'sphotosandvideosfromtheirmobiledevicetoDropbox.,SelectPhotoLibraryandyouwillthenchooseCameraRoll.OnceyouhaveselectedtheimageorvideoyouwouldliketouploadtapDone.Page8 ...,Op...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Making camera uploads for Android faster and more reliable

Camera uploads is a feature in our Android and iOS apps that automatically backs up a user's photos and videos from their mobile device to Dropbox.

[PDF] How To Upload Photos & Videos to Box via File Request Link

Select Photo Library and you will then choose Camera Roll. Once you have selected the image or video you would like to upload tap Done. Page 8 ...

How to use camera and mobile device uploads

Open the Dropbox mobile app. Tap the person icon. Tap Camera uploads. Tap Upload from, then Settings to give Dropbox access to your photos and ...

Using Capture mode in the Box app on iOS and Android

On iOS and Android, the Box app gives you two options to launch the app directly into continuous capture mode so you can immediately use...

Automatic photo upload

Capture is a mobile application that uploads photos and videos taken with your mobile device directly into Box, making it easy to share content no matter where ...

Issues with the photo size on Android when using the Box app

Using the box app, continuous capture is set to take small photos, but seems to still be taking full resolution 2.7-3.1 MB instead of something in the 300KB ...

Camera Upload on Android not working

Try to turn camera uploads off from your settings and then back on, to see if that helps. Keep me posted.

How to upload photos from Android phone to Box?

How to upload photos from Android phone to Box? · 1. Open the Box App and Log In · 2. Navigate to Your Target Folder · 3. Tap the Upload Button.

How do I use automatic camera upload in Android?

To enable the automatic camera upload on the mobile app 1. Open the mobile app 2. Tap the 3-line menu (top left) 3. Tap Settings 4. Tap Enable camera upload.

Upload Images to Box mobile app

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.


CamerauploadsisafeatureinourAndroidandiOSappsthatautomaticallybacksupauser'sphotosandvideosfromtheirmobiledevicetoDropbox.,SelectPhotoLibraryandyouwillthenchooseCameraRoll.OnceyouhaveselectedtheimageorvideoyouwouldliketouploadtapDone.Page8 ...,OpentheDropboxmobileapp.Tapthepersonicon.TapCamerauploads.TapUploadfrom,thenSettingstogiveDropboxaccesstoyourphotosand ...,OniOSandAndroid,theBoxappgive...
